The Snake Road concept motorcycle was created by Bruno Delussu, the talented French designer who also developed the Bugatti Stratos concept.
The Snake Road concept was not designed with any particular manufacturer in mind. Instead it is a fanciful creation designed to offer a glimpse of what the future cruiser might look like.
The Snake Road is of course just a whimsical design which is not intended to resemble anything which will be on the streets anytime soon. But as a classic piece of imagineering it's great to see.
The Snake Road concept was not designed with any particular manufacturer in mind. Instead it is a fanciful creation designed to offer a glimpse of what the future cruiser might look like.
The Snake Road is of course just a whimsical design which is not intended to resemble anything which will be on the streets anytime soon. But as a classic piece of imagineering it's great to see.
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