Rango is an upcoming computer-animated comedy film, directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Graham King. It features the voices of actors Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Bill Nighy, Abigail Breslin, Alfred Molina, Harry Dean Stanton, Ray Winstone, Ned Beatty, and Timothy Olyphant. This is the first film produced by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM).
Rango is a pet chameleon who lives in a terrarium. He has long thought himself a hero, but then finds himself removed from his contemporary American southwest surroundings and ending up in an Old West town called Dirt, which is populated by various desert critters garbed like characters out of a Western.
The Rango & Priscilla Vinyl Collectible Figures Set (Deluxe Version) specially features:
Rango, a chameleon who lives in a terrarium, in detailed sculpture which stands approximately 8 inches / 20 cm tall with finely sculpted costume in sheriff look, cartridge belt and pistol with sheath on waist and detachable cowboy hat as accessories
Priscilla (a cactus mouse) in fine sculpture stands approximately 4 inches / 10 cm tall in sculpted costume with black hat. Her eyeballs are specially made with transparent effect WITH Specially designed movie-accurate backdrop featuring the scene of the town of DIRT
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