Canon 5D Mark III

Apparently the 5D Mark III is nigh upon us, although I've heard this slightly vague prophecy of a product that is obviously in the pipeline so many times that I think I'm getting Tourette's syndrome - every time I hear about its apparent imminent arrival I suddenly have this uncontrollable urge, that comes from deep down within my belly, to shout out a combination of at least 2 expletives in rapid succession. Although this time there are reports that some lucky pros have received a pre-release copy of the Mk III, so it must be true.
There were plenty of responses to our blog post asking people what features they would like to see packed into the 5D Mark III, and some of them were frankly bizarre - I mean, if they wanted a DSLR to give you the option to pleasure yourself in that way, then there are cheaper alternatives available. We had some less sexually-charged suggestions, with sensible and realistic upgrades like: better noise reduction, faster burst rate, 100% finder, pop-up flash and extreme weather proofing (amongst others).
To try and cure me of my foul-mouthed tic, I have been asked by a colleague to pick 5 key features that will be improved on or added to the brand new 5D Mark III, so here they are:
1. Tilty-swivelly screen
This upgrade will make your life significantly better. That is, if you like shooting video low down and taking videos of yourself. Bloody useless for taking photos, unless you're a sadist and actually enjoy taking photos in live view mode. If Canon don't put a flappy screen on the 5D Mark III then I will die my hair with a red ring so that I look like one giant, walking L lens.
Bloomin' obvious, I know, seeing as Canon has been upgrading their other models with a
tilty-swivel screen, this is more of an inevitability. As much as I mock the articulated screen, it's really rather useful for adding a bit of flexibility when shooting videos (a novelty for still photography) - I'm sure Lok would agree.

2. Autofocus
Of course, there is a chance that Canon will remember that it is primarily a device for taking still images and will upgrade the autofocusing system on the Mark III with something that actually works. It's not just me, there are other 5D Mark II owners and users I know who detest that rather unsophisticated 9-AF system on the Mark II (Lok agrees). Canon really do listen to their users, apparently, although one shouldn't expect it to be mind-blowing. It would not surprise me if the successor still has 9-AF points, albeit all cross-type, so a bit like the 60D's. I think I would jizz my pants in amazement if Canon decide to insert a 7D AF system in there, although in reality I think there's no need to buy man nappies for now.

Let's face it, the focus on the 5D Mark II is pretty pitiful considering you're spending a huge wad of cash on a fancy DSLR and the autofocus system you get is no more sophisticated than the lower-end DSLRs. As much as Canon want to champion video recording on their DSLRs they have to remember that it was a tool for capturing still images first, and if it can't even take a still image in focus then what is the point? Will it be as good as the 7D's autofocus system?

3. Video mode
Canon will introduce a new feature that will make all those video graphers/photographers think "I'd never have thought of that feature, it's fantastic!", it will revolutionise the way we take videos forever, set the benchmark for all other cameras and manufacturers to follow, and will make the Mark III the definitive HDSLR. What is that feature? Dunno, we haven't thought of it yet after all.

4. Resolution
Canon's managed to cram 120-megapixels into an APS-H sensor for publicity, so they are capable of taking the megapixels up to stellar heights. It's not going to break the 100-barrier, although it will most likely going to leave most people wondering what to do with them all. I have a funny feeling that Canon will take it in the direction of their "Wonder Concept Camera", with a higher resolution video that will mean that nobody needs to get the decisive moment anymore - you just find pick the one you want from your video footage.

5. The problem is, I honestly don't think there will be 5 truly exciting new features in the 5D Mark II replacement. But then again it's as much of a speculation than the predictions of its imminent release, so your guess is as good as mine ..actually, no I've just thought of the fifth change - it will have a mode-locking dial.  


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